UP ALL NIGHT Fiendish Fiction │ STEAM │ 2020 主要為UP ALL NIGHT心得,會稍微提及無料衍生作/短篇續集RUMINATION(Steam版包含在主遊戲中)和 DAYBREAK 。據dev透露他們正在製作正式續集 REMNANTS OF DAWN ,目前尚未敲定上市日期。
HASHIHIME OF THE OLD BOOK TOWN ADELTA │ GAME PAGE │ TRAILER │ STEAM │ 2016 │ R *This translation is done with the help of AI.* A masterfully written Boy’s Love visual novel delivered by well-known Japanese indie developer ADELTA. Playing through this entry thoroughly is definitely advised to truly enjoy it. The game is priced at $35 USD and comes fully voiced. With five routes, the story takes about 30 hours to complete.